When You Are Doing Meditation? You Should Know About Active And Passive Meditation.

When You Are Doing Meditation? You Should Know About Active And Passive Meditation.

While there are many different forms of meditation there are only two different types, active and passive meditation:

Active meditation – 

    This type of meditation relates to our everyday life and everything we do in it such as walking, eating, running, working, and relaxing.

 The aim of it is to be in a totally relaxed state while we go about our day to day living; it is not a type that is recommended for the beginner.

Passive meditation – 

   This is the common form where the person will take time out from their daily routine to practice meditation; it involves the person being seated in one of the common postures and focus on one of the meditation techniques.

There are many different passive meditation techniques though all of them aim for the same target, to stop the mind from wandering and bring it to focus with the ultimate aim of achieving enlightenment.

 There are basically four steps to achieving this goal, these are:

  Introversion – 

this involves calming the mind and making it receptive to what’s inside your body.

Introversion leads to letting all thoughts, feelings, worries, and fears go free.

 Having let these thoughts go we can then focus on our subconscious being and who we really are.


     Having achieved this step we gain a realization of our self and the part we play in life, this then leads us to enlightenment.

 Enlightenment is hard to explain to someone who has never reached it, it is a feeling unlike any other, the body and mind is at total rest and peace, the body can feel heavy or extremely light almost as if it isn’t there, and the mind feels open and is crystal clear with no problems, fears or worries. 

People who have been meditating for years will strive to attain this goal with some achieving it easier than others, while some never achieve it at all.

    There are many forms of meditation, with some being easier for the beginner than others; some forms should only be practiced after years of studying meditation.

 Try this very simple form of meditation to give you a taster of what it’s all about:

  •  Sit in a straight-backed chair with your thighs in a relaxed position, your back upright and your head in alignment with your spine.
  •  Begin taking breaths in through your nose and exhale through your mouth, concentrating on your breath, how it feels as it comes into your body and how it feels leaving your body.
  • Allow all other thoughts, feelings and worries to evaporate while you concentrate on your breath, imagine it coursing throughout your body.
  • You will find that after a few minutes your thoughts will start wandering back to problems or things you have to do in your daily life, when this starts happening just gently bring your concentration back to your breathing.
  • If you practice this for 10 minutes each day you will gradually realise that you can let thoughts and feelings go easier and focus for longer and it will be easier to keep your thoughts on your breath.

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